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Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro (1926–2016) – A student leader at the University of Havana from 1945. Founding member of the Orthodox Party in 1947 and central organizer of its revolutionary-minded youth. Fidel Castro led the July 26, 1953, attack on the Moncada and Bayamo garrisons and was sentenced to fifteen years in...
Fidel Castro (1926–2016) – A student leader at the University of Havana from 1945. Founding member of the Orthodox Party in 1947 and central organizer of its revolutionary-minded youth.
Fidel Castro led the July 26, 1953, attack on the Moncada and Bayamo garrisons and was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. Released in May 1955 after a mass amnesty campaign, he organized the founding of the July 26 Movement. From Mexico, Castro prepared the Granma expedition, which returned to Cuba in December 1956. He commanded the Rebel Army during the 1956–58 revolutionary war and from May 1958 headed the July 26 Movement.
Castro was prime minister from February 1959 to 1976, when he became president of the Council of State and Council of Ministers. He was commander in chief of the armed forces from 1959 to 2008 and first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba from its founding in 1965 to 2011.
Among his writings published by Pathfinder are:
Cuba and Angola: Fighting for Africa's Freedom and Our Own (coauthor, 2013)
Playa Girón/Bay of Pigs: 1961, Washington's First Military Defeat in the Americas (coauthor, 2001)
U.S. Hands Off the Mideast! (coauthor, 1990)
In Defense of Socialism (1989)
Cuba Will Never Adopt Capitalist Methods (1988)
Nothing Can Stop the Course of History (1986)
War and Crisis in the Americas (1985)
Our Power Is That of the Working People
Building Socialism in Cuba (1983)
Fidel Castro on Chile (1982)
Cuba's Internationalist Foreign Policy (1981)
Selected Speeches of Fidel Castro (1979)
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