The May 26-29 Latin American Studies Conference 2021, organized as a virtual event, attracted over 6,000 students, professors and others interested in learning about Latin America. There were 1,200 panels or roundtable discussion as well as a film festival, most focusing on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on Latin America and the Caribbean.
A ‘virtual’ Pathfinder Press booth showcased Pathfinder titles especially books on the Cuban revolution.
A short video was produced that highlighted Pathfinder titles including Red Zone: Cuba and the Battle Against Ebola in West Africa and Playa Girón /Bay of Pigs - Washington's First Military Defeat in the Americas.
Through online ‘chats’ and real time discussions about 175 individuals expressed interest in learning more about Pathfinder Press. One student wrote, “I’m browsing in your web site and finding all sorts of interesting titles!”
A ‘virtual’ Pathfinder Press booth showcased Pathfinder titles especially books on the Cuban revolution.
A short video was produced that highlighted Pathfinder titles including Red Zone: Cuba and the Battle Against Ebola in West Africa and Playa Girón /Bay of Pigs - Washington's First Military Defeat in the Americas.
Through online ‘chats’ and real time discussions about 175 individuals expressed interest in learning more about Pathfinder Press. One student wrote, “I’m browsing in your web site and finding all sorts of interesting titles!”
- Fred Nelson