Pathfinder Press at the Salon du livre 2022

Montreal, Canada – The Pathfinder Press booth was the scene of lively political discussions at the 45th Salon du Livre (book fair) held in downtown Montreal, Canada from November 23 to 27. The second largest French language book fair in the world, it brings together some 700 publishers and 2,000 authors.
Thousands, including families and school children, visited the kiosks from 9 in the morning till 9 at night. Dozens of book launches and author meetings took place daily.
Pathfinder Press volunteers staffed an attractive booth introducing Pathfinder to new people and welcoming visitors who return every year to buy the newest Pathfinder publications.
Discussions centered on world events such as Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, the deepening economic crisis, the strike of 55,000 education workers in Ontario against a government anti-labor law, the ongoing protests of women, students and workers against the Iranian government and the socialist revolution in Cuba.
The best seller this year was the newest book Labor, Nature, and the Evolution of Humanity. Presentations of this title took place in two bookstores, one French and one English, as part of the Salon en ville (book fair in the city) which helped introduce Pathfinder Press more broadly.
Other popular titles were Thomas Sankara Speaks, The Jewish Question, Malcolm X, The Black Liberation and the Road to Workers Power and Cuba and the Coming American Revolution. 50% more books were sold over last year.
- Pathfinder Press