'Maurice Bishop Speaks' is best seller at NYC Grenada Festival

BROOKLYN — Pathfinder books got a great political response at Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique Day activities August 21, 2022. The all-day festival draws hundreds of people, mostly Grenadians. It features food booths, cultural performances and stands selling T-shirts, spices, and other goods.
Maurice Bishop Speaks and New International no. 6, with the feature article “The Second Assassination of Maurice Bishop” by Steve Clark and articles by Fidel Castro, were displayed at the booth along with books on U.S. working-class struggles, analysis of the deepening crisis of capitalism, Cuba’s socialist revolution and more. Bishop was the central leader of the New Jewel Movement, which led the 1979 Grenada Revolution to victory. He was killed and the revolution overthrown in 1983 by Stalinist counterrevolutionary Bernard Coard, opening the door for Washington to invade.
Many young people who had only heard of Bishop and the revolution from parents or grandparents came by to learn more. One had purchased Maurice Bishop Speaks at a previous Grenada Day and liked it so much he came back this year wearing a T-shirt he had made featuring the book cover.
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- Pathfinder Press