Record Pathfinder sales at Fête de l’Humanité in France

Brétigny-sur-Orge, FRANCE — Pathfinder volunteers sold over 200 books during this year’s Fête de l’Humanité Sept. 9-11, 2022 at the Pathfinder Press booth. The Fête is a major political event organized annually by the daily newspaper of the French Communist Party and regularly attracts tens of thousands of workers and youth from throughout France and even from outside the country.
Especially striking at this year’s Fête were the large numbers of young people browsing in the space reserved for books, the Village du livre, who bought nearly half of the Pathfinder books sold during the weekend. The bestseller was the new French edition of Labor, Nature, and the Evolution of Humanity. “I’m happy to buy this book. We absolutely have to change this world, but first we have to understand it,” said Marie Dechelle, a computer science student in Paris. Other bestsellers were books by the West African revolutionary leader Thomas Sankara, Socialism and Man by Che Guevara, and The Jewish Question, A Marxist Interpretation by Abram Léon.
One student from Oman bought three Pathfinder titles in Arabic.
- Pathfinder Press