Pathfinder Press Welcomed at the African America Librarians Conference

New Orleans, LA—More than 550 public and campus librarians, authors, publishers, and exhibitors attended the National Conference of African American Librarians(AAL), July 24—27. While many were familiar with Pathfinder Press others were introduced to titles by Che Guevara and Thomas Sankara for the first time at the Pathfinder Press booth.
Dozens of Pathfinder books were sold. The top sellers were Malcolm X, Black Liberation and the Road to Workers Power, The Fight Against Jew-Hatred and Pogroms in the Imperialist Epoch, and The Low Point of the Labor Resistance Is Behind Us. Visitors to the Pathfinder booth wrote lists or took pictures of books they plan to order for their library. Many signed up for further information about Pathfinder with several looking forward to a visit with a Pathfinder volunteer. One librarian left saying to the volunteer staff, “Don’t be a stranger.”
Dozens of Pathfinder books were sold. The top sellers were Malcolm X, Black Liberation and the Road to Workers Power, The Fight Against Jew-Hatred and Pogroms in the Imperialist Epoch, and The Low Point of the Labor Resistance Is Behind Us. Visitors to the Pathfinder booth wrote lists or took pictures of books they plan to order for their library. Many signed up for further information about Pathfinder with several looking forward to a visit with a Pathfinder volunteer. One librarian left saying to the volunteer staff, “Don’t be a stranger.”
- Pathfinder Press